17.03.2021 • 

Two months after launching the 8 GB iPhone in 2007, (Apple) reduced its price from $599 to $399. Unit sales not only increased, they soared, as the In the News “After
iPhone Price Cut, Sales Are Up by 200 Percent” reports. Refer to the article and
this price-cut information to answer one question.
After iPhone Price Cut, Sales Are Up by 200 Percent
Piper Gene Munster, the person responsible for a survey dedicated to Apple in which he "found out
an estimated number of iPhones that were sold, has come up with yet another interesting theory.
According to Munster and the past-week Apple announcement about 1 million iPhones sold, the
calculations take to the conclusion that after the price cut, the sales increased up to 200 percent...
By Munster's reckoning, Apple and AT&T were selling an average of 9,000 iPhones a day before
the price reduction, which would have put their quarterly sales at 594,000 as of September 5.
By the end of the quarter, he believes Apple will have sold a total of 1.28 million iPhones.

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