17.11.2020 • 

Two months ago, Lisa was honorably discharged from the Air Force where she spent four years training as an airplane mechanic. After discharge, she relocated to take a 40 hour per week apprentice mechanic job with a major airline company where she earns $18 an hour. Last month, her husband Dave, who has worked the past two years as a registered nurse, found a nursing job with a local hospital making $625 per week. They just bought a new car and pay $400 each month on that loan and have no other monthly debts. What is the maximum mortgage payment (PITI) a lender would allow for a conventional loan based on the housing expense ratio? Using the total debt-to-income ratio, what is the amount of total debt allowed? What is the maximum mortgage payment (PITI) calculated using total debt-to-income ratio only? Can Lisa and Dave get approved for a loan, even though they've only been at their jobs a short time? Explain.

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