22.08.2019 • 

Uiuoti iuuvvivul
score: 0 of 2 pts
11 of 15 (10 complete)
bus econ 1.1.39
determine whether the given relationship defines a function. if so, identify the
independent and dependent variable and why the relationship is a function.
a: the monthly premium p for a $100.000 life insurance policy determined by age a for
males aged 33 - 39 (as shown in the table).
b. ages a that get a $100,000 life insurance policy for a monthly premium of $11.72
(from the table)
a. choose the correct answer pelow.
o a. it is not a function because the age a is not unique for each monthly premium p.
b. it is not a function because the age a is unique for each monthly premium p.

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