18.04.2021 • 

Unit Rate Word Problems 1) Find the unit rate if Suzie reads 45 books in 15 days.
2) Tom swims a 1/2 mile every 1/4 hour. How far will he swim in one hour?
3) A 4.5 pound of apples costs $22.50. What is the unit price?
4) How much would you pay for a pint of milk if you bought 5 gallons of milk for $28?

5)An amusement park had 350 people come in over the course of 7 hours. At this rate, how many would they expect to come over 15 hours? What was the rate per hour?
6). Sam can make 15 pizzas in 2.5 hours. At this rate, how many could he make in an 8 hour work day? What is Sam's rate per hour?
7). Over 5 days, Kimberly sheared 300 sheep. How many would she be able to shear in 26 days? What was her rate per day?

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