15.10.2020 • 

What if I asked you to count the number of chairs in the Great Hall? Don't worry...that's not what I'm going to ask you to do, but WHAT IF you were assigned to gather the following data:

1. The number of chairs in the Great Hall.

2. The number of windows in the Great Hall.

3. The number of ceiling light fixtures in the LMC.

4. The number of ceiling tiles in the LMC.

5. The number and sizes of all the posters hanging in the field house.

6. The political party that each person in the Great Hall during 2nd lunch believes in or subscribes to.

7. The exact yearly income of every adult in the main office while you're taking this assessment.

8. The social security number of every person on the second floor of the school.

9. Determine whether or not everyone currently in the LMC is going to the next Chiefs home game.

10. The sexual orientation of everyone currently on the first floor of the school.

YOU ARE NOT GATHERING THIS DATA But, use what you learned in the Experimental Design activity to complete this part of the assessment:

Make a list numbered 1-10 and explain to me HOW you would collect each of the above pieces of data. What would the best method be to collect each one? There are many implications with each one, so you might not collect every single one using the same method. Some of the issues you can discuss in your answer are: explain if there are privacy issues involved, would a census (population) or a sample be the best way to collect a piece of data, would a written or verbal survey be the most appropriate, etc.?

Again, the points are going to be awarded based on how well you show your thinking and how well you defend your answers! Show me what you have learned in class! Be a knowledge seeker, not a point chaser!

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