11.10.2020 • 

What is the best way to answer each of the questions below: an experiment, a sample survey, or an observational study that is not a sample survey? Explain your choices. (a) Are people generally satisfied with how things are going in the country right now?
A sample survey; we want to gather information about a population based on a sample.
An experiment; we want to establish a cause-and-effect relationship.
An observational study; there is no particular population from which we will sample, we simply observe.
(b) Do college students learn basic accounting better in a classroom or using an online course?
A sample survey; we want to gather information about a population based on a sample
An observational study; there is no particular population from which we will sample, we simply observe.
An experiment; we want to establish a cause-and-effect relationship
(c) How long do your teachers wait on the average after they ask their class a question?
An experiment; we want to establish a cause-and-effect relationship
An observational study; there is no particular population from which we will sample, we simply observe.
A sample survey; we want to gather information about a population based on a sample

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