16.04.2020 • 

What is the relationship between the overall ability (Overall) and gamer rating (GamerRating)?
From the launch of the game, there was a rumor that gamers tend to rate soccer players with certain nationalities a half point higher than their actual ability rating.
Majid, a gamer, wants to know whether the average gamer rating (GamerRating) of each player is at least 0.5 units greater than the average overall ability rating (Overall) for players in these five countries: England, Spain, Brazil, Argentina, and the United States ("England," "Spain," "Brazil," "Argentina," and "UnitedStates" of variable Nationality).

1. Code. Remember that you only want the five countries included in the data set. To do this, you will need to create a new dataset such as "fifa.sub." Note that when you subset the data, the total number of data points will be reduced (important for the number of bins in the histogram). Remember that the R command does both hypothesis tests and confidence intervals/bounds so only one line for inference is needed.

2. Should you use a two-sample independent or two-sample paired procedure to analyze the data? Please explain your answer by discussing the statistical issues related to the analysis, instead of using the format of the dataset. In real studies, you will need to determine what method you will use to analyze the data – paired or independent – to know what data to gather. If this is a paired situation, please state the common characteristic that makes these data paired. Do this part before you do any coding.

3. Should you use a one-sided or two-sided alternative for this analysis? Explain your decision. Do this part before you do any coding.

4a.Create a histogram, boxplot, and a Normal probability plot using these data. Please upload the graphs below. If you need to transform the data because you do not believe that the data are normally distributed, please upload those graphs below also.

4b. If you felt it necessary to transform the data, please explain why. From the graphs, please describe what the data set looks like. Be sure to comment on each graph. If you transformed the data, this will be six graphs. Do you think that the appropriate variable is normal or not (if you transformed the data, this is after the transformation).

If you applied a transformation, use the transformation for the remainder of this question.

5. No matter how you answered parts 3 and 4, test the hypothesis whether the gamer rating is at least 0.5 units greater than the overall ability for the five countries. Assume a 0.01 significance level in your test. Remember to use the full 4-step procedure.
5a. Upload your output here. No additional calculations are required.

5b. Please write the four steps below. Be sure to include the degrees of freedom.

6. No matter how you answered parts 3 and 4, determine and interpret the appropriate 99% confidence interval or bound of the population parameter of interest (which depends upon whether it is a paired or independent sample situation). Be sure to state whether you are calculating the interval and the upper or lower bound. You will need to explain your answer. Explanations that are based on the format of the output will result in getting zero (0) points. Also include the output for the critical value in 6a and state the value in 6b.

6a. Upload your output here.

6b. Please interpret your result and state the critical value. Be sure to clearly indicate whether you are calculating the interval, upper, or lower bound with an explanation. Explanations that are based on the format of the output will result in getting zero (0) points.

7. In one English sentence, explain whether there is evidence that the gamer rating for England, Spain, Brazil, Argentina, and the United States is greater than the overall ability by more than 0.5 units. If you state that it is greater, explain whether the amount that it is greater by 0.5 units is practically different. If you state that it is not greater, please explain why both the hypothesis test and the confidence interval state that fact. If you had to transform the data, keep this in mind when interpreting the result.

8. At what significance level would the gamer rating be different from the overall ability? Do you think that this is a reasonable significance level? Please explain your answer. If this part requires additional code, be sure to include it below whether you included it in Part 1 or not. Also please include any output that you use to justify your answer.

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