05.10.2019 • 

Which of the following sample spaces correctly lists all the possible outcomes for flipping a coin and spinning a four-colored spinner (red, blue, green, and yellow)?
how many different lunch combinations can be made from two sandwich choices, three side item choices, and three beverage choices if you choose one sandwich, one side, and one beverage?
a number is rolled. what is p (3 or an even number)?
which of the following is a certain event?
a class has 9 girls and 12 boys. what is the probability of a teacher randomly calling on a boy?
a jar contains 5 green erasers, 2 stripped erasers, 4 pink erasers, and 3 white erasers. you select an eraser at random. what is p (not pink)?
on the spinner, what is the probability of spinning a number greater than 2?
you write each letter of the word mathemagician on a piece of paper and put them in a bag. you randomly select one piece from the bag. what is p (t or a)?
you have 3 pairs of white socks, 4 pairs of black socks, and 2 pairs of colored socks in your drawer. what is the probability that you reach into the drawer and randomly select a pair of white socks?

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