14.01.2021 • 

Which of the following situations can be solved by using the equation 5t=175? Choose the TWO correct answers. A. An elephant eats 5 tons of food every day. After t number of days, the elephant will have eaten 175 tons of food.

B. Thomas won $175 in a contest. He decided to give his sister $5, and now Thomas has t dollars left from his winnings.

C. It takes Martinez t number of minutes to grade one math test. If Martinez has 5 tests to grade, he will work for total of 175 minutes.

D. Mary's bookshelf can hold a total of 175 books. Mary has 5 books on the top shelf, so she will be able to fit t number of books on the bottom shelf.

E. A painter is calculating the amount of paint he used on a project. He knows that he used 5 gallons of paint everyday for 175 days, so he used a total of t gallons of paint.

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