14.04.2020 • 

Which of the following statements are true concerning the mean of the differences between two dependent samples (matched pairs)? Select all that apply. A. If one wants to use a confidence interval to test the claim that mu Subscript d Baseline greater than 0 with a 0.05 significance level, the confidence interval should have a confidence level of 90%. B. The methods used to evaluate the mean of the differences between two dependent variables apply if one has 100 IQ scores of taxpayers from New York and 100 IQ scores of taxpayers from California. C. If one has twenty dash five matched pairs of sample data, there is a loose requirement that the twenty dash five differences appear to be from a normally distributed population. D. The requirement of a simple random sample is satisfied if we have independent pairs of voluntary response data. E. If one has more than 25 matched pairs of sample data, one can consider the sample to be large and there is no need to check for normality.

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