17.03.2022 • 

‼️WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST (Please answer all questions!)

ΔABC is translated 4 units to the left and 8 units up. Answer the questions to find the coordinates of A after the translation.

1. Give the rule for translating a point 4 units left and 8 units up. (2 points)

2. After the translation, where is A located? (2 points)

Now reflect the figure over the y-axis. Answer the questions to find the coordinates of A after the reflection.

3. Give the rule for reflecting a point over the y-axis. (2 points)

4. What are the coordinates of A after the reflection? (2 points)

5. Is the final figure congruent to the original figure? How do you know? (2 points)


(Please answer all questions!)
ΔABC is translated 4 units to the left and

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