09.02.2021 • 

You are going on vacation to OUTER SPACE You are going on a vacation to the planet of the exponents. When you get there, the exponents are up in arms because of all the silly tourists who keep breaking the laws of the land. They commission you to make a map laying out all the laws of the planet. Your assignment is to:(a)Explain all the rules(b)Come up with consequences if tourists break the rules (be creative) (minimum of 2)(c)AND to show the ways in which tourists have commonly broken the rules so that future tourists know not to do it again. You must explain the following laws in your brochures:(1)The product rule(2)The quotient rule(3)The power rule(4)What a zero exponent is(5)The two rules for negative exponents (d)Be as creative as you wish. You may include pictures or descriptions of the planet, just make sure to include all the math on the list above.

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