07.03.2020 • 

You'd like to estimate the proportion of the 12,152 full-time undergraduate students at a university who are foreign students. You poll a random sample of 50 students, of whom 7 are from foreign countries. Unknown to you, the proportion of all undergraduate students who are foreign students is 0.06.

Let X denote a random variable for which x=1 denotes foreign students and x=0 denotes students from the U.S. Complete parts (a) through (c).

a. Describe the data distribution.

The data distribution consists of ( )1's (denoting a foreign student) and ( )0's (denoting a student from the U.S.).

b. Describe the population distribution.

The population distribution consists of the x-values of the population of 12,152 full-time undergraduate students at theuniversity, ( )% of which are 1's (denoting a foreign student) and ( )% of which are 0's (denoting a student from the U.S.).

c. Find the mean and standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the sample proportion for a sample of size 50.

The mean is ( )

The standard deviation is ( )(Round to four decimal places asneeded.)

Explain what this sampling distribution represents.

The sampling distribution represents the probability distribution of the ( ) proportion of foreign students in a random sample of ( )students. In thiscase, the sampling distribution is approximately normal with a mean of ( ) and a standard deviation of ( )

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