18.02.2020 • 

You go to the shops on Monday and buy 1 apple, 1 banana, and 1 carrot; the whole transaction totals €15. On Tuesday you buy 3 apples, 2 bananas, 1 carrot, all for €28. Then on Wednesday 2 apples, 1 banana, 2 carrots, for €23. Construct a matrix and vector for this linear algebra system. That is, for A[a/b/c] = [SMon/STue/SWed] Where a, b, c, are the prices of apples, bananas, and carrots. And each s is the total for that day. Fill in the components of A and s. 1 - # Replace A and s with the correct values below: 2. A = [[A11, A12, A13], 3. [A21, A22, A23], 4. [A31, A32, A33]] 5. Run6. S = [Mon, sTue, sWed] 7. Reset

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