09.07.2020 • 

You’re buying hand lotion. The lotion comes in rectangular pyramid-shaped bottles. Bottle A has a base of 1 in x 2 in, and a height of 6 in. Bottle B is a wider bottle with a base of 1.5 in x 3 in, and a height of 4 inches. Which bottle has more lotion? ANSWERS: Bottle A contains 6 in3 of lotion, and Bottle B contains 4 in3. Bottle A contains more. Bottle B contains 6 in3 of lotion, and Bottle A contains 4 in3. Bottle B contains more. Bottle A contains 18 in3 of lotion, and Bottle B contains 12 in3. Bottle A contains more. Bottle B contains 18 in3 of lotion, and Bottle A contains 12 in3. Bottle B contains more.

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