27.05.2021 • 

You saved $25,000.00 and want to diversify your monies. • You invest 40% in a Treasury bond for 3 years at 4.25% APR compounded annually • You place 35% in a CD at 3.15% APR for 3 years compounded annually • 25% you invest in a stock plan that increases 8% the first year, decreases in value by 4% the second year, and increases by 6% the third year. • You must show all of your work for each question in order to receive any credit. 1) How much money will you start within each account? Show your work below. (Hint: be sure your amounts add to $25,000.00)

2) What will be the balance for each type of investment at the end of the third year? Be sure to show your work for each investment below.

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