19.06.2020 • 

"You see the tipi. you immediately recognize it -- but the artists are doing something very unconventional with the form," says Kathleen Ash-Milby. She helps to manage exhibits at the
National Museum of the American Indian. "These are plexiglass, the colors are constantly
shifting. It's not a traditional palette you might normally associate with native people."
What conclusion is BEST supported by this paragraph?
(A) The tipis in the Manifestipi exhibit are both similar to and different from traditional tipis.
(B) Most people who look at the tipis in the Manifestipi exhibit fail to realize that they are looking at tipis.
(C) The tipis in the Manifestipi exhibit have much in common with the tipis made by native people.
"D) Most of the people who come to see the Manifestipi exhibit are artists and American Indians

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