05.05.2020 • 

You will use this rate to determine how quickly your faucets can fill up other containers.
Part 1: Identify two faucets in your house to use for this investigation such as the kitchen sink, bathroom sink, bathtub, or garden hose.
Faucet 1 Description:
Faucet 2 Description:

Part 2: Determine the time it takes each faucet to fill to a certain volume. For each faucet:
1. Turn on your faucet and allow the water to run.

2. Once the water is flowing at a constant speed, place an empty 1-gallon milk jug under it.

3. With a stop watch, time how long it takes for the gallon jug to fill up.
This time is the number of seconds it takes for a gallon of water to flow from your faucet.
Number of seconds to fill a 1-gallon container from faucet 1 Number of seconds to fill a 1-gallon container from faucet 2

Part 3: Write the unit rate of each faucet in gallons per second and in seconds per gallon. Faucet 1 rate: r = seconds/gallon Faucet 2 rate: r = seconds/gallon

Part 4: Now use the rates and/or equations to fill in the table with how much time it will take your faucet to fill the following containers:
Container to be filled
Time for Faucet 1 15-gallon kitchen sink
32-gallon garbage can
40-gallon bath tub
2500-gallon swimming pool
Container to be filled
Time for Faucet 2 15-gallon kitchen sink
32-gallon garbage can 40-gallon bath tub
2500-gallon swimming pool
Part 5: Write an equation for each faucet representing the relationship between x, the gallons to be filled in the container and y, the time it takes to fill the container.
Faucet 1: y = x Faucet 2: y = x

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