31.07.2019 • 

Young's double slit experiment is set up to measure an unknown frequency of light. the distance between the slits is .30 mm and the screen with the interference pattern is 4.2 m away. the distance between the central bright fringe and the next bright fringe is 6 mm.(a) what is the unknown wavelength of light? a. 429 nmb. 489 nmc. 535 nmd. 602 nme. 688 nm(b) at what angle is the 3rd order bright fringe (relative to the central maximum)? a. 0.25 degreesb. 0.50 degreesc. 0.75 degreesd. 1.00 degreese. 1.25 degrees(c) how far is the 2nd order dark fringe from the central bright fringe? a. 5 mmb. 10 mmc. 15 mmd. 20 mme. 25 mm(d) if lower frequency light was used, what would happen to the spacing of the bright fringes? a. nothingb. they would spread apartc. they would get closer together(e) if the entire apparatus was placed underwater, what would happen to the spacing of the bright fringes? a. nothingb. they would spread apartc. they would get closer togetherd. light of wavelength 481 nm shines through a slit of width 5.6 mm unto a screen 1.1 m away.(f) how many total dark fringes can be seen? a. 8b. 14c. 18d. 22e. 26
(g) what is the width of the bright central diffraction fringe? a. 8 cmb. 19 cmc. 30 cmd. 41 cme. 52 cm

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