13.09.2021 • 

1. An object of mass m = 17 kg experiences 2 forces, FA and FB. Those two forces are perpendicular, their magnitudes are given as FA = 36N and FB = 77N. a) Redraw the figure on your workbook with appropriate scale.

b) Draw the resultant force.

c) Calculate the magnitude of the resultant force using the Pythagorean theorem.

d) Calculate the angle between the resultant force and FB, using arcsin or arccos or arctan (those functions are usually written as sin-1, cos-1, and tan-1 on CASIO scientific calculators).

e) Calculate the acceleration of the object using Newton's second law.

1. An object of mass m = 17 kg experiences 2 forces, FA and FB. Those two forces are perpendicular,

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