26.03.2020 • 

2. If a 30 cm radius wheel rotates through 3 radians how far has it rolled?
3. What is the angular displacement of the minute hand on a clock during a 30
minute interval.
4. Three hours pass by. What is the angular displacement of the Hour hand on the
clock during this interval?
5. A carnival ride rotates through 4 radians of angular displacement. If the ride has
a diameter of 4 meters, what is the path length that the passengers have moved in
this time?
6. A merry-go-round rotates 10 complete revolutions. What path length has the
passenger moved through if they are seated 2 meters from the ride’s center?
7. Through how many radians has a 40 cm radius wheel rotated through if it has
traveled 10 meters?

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