08.03.2021 • 

8 Which answer does the best job analyzing an author’s claim about what makes a dog a good fit for pet therapy?

A. The author says that good temperament in a dog cannot be taught, at least not once a dog is old enough to be a therapy pet. If a dog is born hyper or fearful, it cannot be trusted around sick people, especially children.

B. The author claims that the best type of dog for pet therapy is one that is born with a good temperament. According to the author, good temperament cannot be taught, at least not once a dog is old enough to be a therapy pet. It’s true that dogs sometimes forget their training, but they don’t forget their personality. And if the dog ever barks at people or other animals, it will make the patients feel worse instead of better.

C. The author claims that the best type of dog for pet therapy is one that is born with a good temperament—a dog with a gentle and easy-going personality. However, I think that dogs can be trained to be good therapy pets even if they are not born with a mellow personality. They can still be trained not to bark at people or other animals and to let anyone pet them.

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