25.03.2021 • 

*Activity:1* *A pile of similar coins is hit very strongly at the bottom of the pile by a striker.
What will happen to the a). Lowest coin
b). Rest of the coins?
Explain your observation with reason.
To learn the concept of INERTIA of rest
a).The lowest coin will move away from the pile on account of a force exerted by the stricker on it.
b).On account of inertia of rest,all other coins try to maintain their state of rest.As a result,they will not be disturbed and the pile remains intact.
The inherent property of an object at rest to remain at rest and not to move on its own is called the inertia of rest.
*Take a heavy ball. Drop it on a thick (wet) bed of sand.Drop the ball from a height of about 25 cm.
Repeat this activity from different heights and make the depression in each case.
a). Compare their depths.
b). Which one of them is the deepest?
c). Which one is the shallowest? Why?
d). What has caused the ball to make a deeper dent?
Do these activities and record your observations.
To learn the concept of potential energy
When the ball is dropped from some height,its potential energy gets converted into its kinetic energy.
Thus the depression will be greatest for maximum height and shallowest for minimum height.
Potential energy is defined as the energy possessed by a body due to its position,shape or size.

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