05.05.2020 • 

As new-forming stars grow by gravitationally attracting more material, they become brighter. If a star becomes too bright, the radiation pressure from the star prevents gravity from pulling in more material. What power output PP would a star with a mass 35.135.1 times that of our Sun need to have in order to be unable to pull in a 3.96 μg3.96 μg dust particle of radius rp=0.935 mm,rp=0.935 mm, assuming the particle absorbs all the light incident on its πr2pπrp2 cross‑section? The mass ⊙M⊙ of the Sun is 1.99×1030 kg,1.99×1030 kg, and the gravitational constant GG equals 6.67×10−11 m3/(kg·s2).

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