10.07.2019 • 

As you have been studying this module/week, a meta-analysis is a study that statistically combines the results of several studies on a similar topic. by calculating an overall mean effect size, meta-analyses provide information on the effects of treatments over and above the individual studies themselves. mccullough’s meta-analysis examines several studies that compare christian counseling techniques to standard, non-religious counseling techniques. imagine you are working in a community clinic with a variety of counselors, and you are interested in alerting the clinic supervisors to this meta-analysis and possibilities for future research that could be conducted in your clinic. write a professional email to your supervisor and include the following required information:
briefly describe how many studies are represented in this meta-analysis and what the main findings of the meta-analysis were.
in your opinion, why is this meta-analysis important in the context of christian counseling, even though the results are not significant? support your answer with information from the article.
propose a study: in the meta-analysis discussion section, the subsection entitled “the last word” contains 4–5 suggestions for further studies in christian counseling. choose 1 that interests you and briefly propose a quantitative study to investigate this topic. the description of your proposed study must include:
your research question;
a short description of the target participants (gender, age, diagnosis or problem area, etc.);
the independent and dependent variables, and how many levels/groups the independent variable would have (review module/week 1 if necessary);

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