27.07.2019 • 

Asled sliding on a flat,icy surface with a constant velocity is best described by a)newtons first law of motion because the sled is moving at a constant velocity b)newtons second law of motion because the sled has less mass then the ice c)newtons law of gravity because gravity is pulling the sled down a hill d) newtons third law of motion because the sled will eventually come to a stop i feel this one is d but explain why u choose the awnser nate drops a penny into a fountain at the mall. it falls from his hand straight down into the foutain. describe what the free body diagram would look like as the penny falls. choose all that are true the arrow pointing down will be longer then the arrow pointing up the arrow pointing up would be longer then the arrow pointing down the arrow pointing to the left would be the same size as the one pointing to the right the arrow pointing to the left would be longer then the one pointing to the right i feel this one is the first and 3rd one but explain why u choose the awnser

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