25.11.2020 • 

Calculate the angular momentum of the Earth. (The angular momentum of the Earth relative to the center of the Sun is the sum of the translational and rotational angular momenta. The rotational axis of the Earth is tipped 23.5° away from a perpendicular to the plane of its orbit.) (a) Calculate the magnitude of the translational angular momentum of the Earth relative to the center of the Sun.
kg · m2/s
(b) Calculate the magnitude of the rotational angular momentum of the Earth.
kg · m2/s
How does this compare to your result in part (a)? (Chose one)
1. The rotational angular momentum is within an order of magnitude of the translational angular momentum.
2. The rotational angular momentum is much larger than the translational angular momentum.
3. The rotational angular momentum is much smaller than the translational angular momentum.

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