20.09.2019 • 

Colonel john p. stapp, usaf, participated in studying whether a jet pilot could survive emergency ejection. on march 19, 1954, he rode a rocket-propelled sled that moved down a track at a speed of 632 mi/h. he and the sled were safely brought to rest in 1.40 s. col. john stapp and his rocket sled are brought to rest in a very short time interval. stapp's face is contorted by the stress of rapid negative acceleration. (courtesy of u.s. air force) (a) determine the negative acceleration he experienced (in m/s2). m/s2 (b) determine the distance he traveled during this negative acceleration (in m). m (c) what if? col. stapp was able to walk away from this experiment. if the human body can survive a negative acceleration five times that experienced by col. stapp, what minimum stopping time (in s) would this correspond to in the 1954 experiment?

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