27.02.2020 • 

Consider a bird that flies at an average speed of 10.7 m/s and releases energy from its body fat reserves at an average rate of 3.70 W (this rate represents the power consumption of the bird). Assume that the bird consumes 4.00g of fat to fly over a distance db without stopping for feeding. How far will the bird fly before feeding again?

Fat is a good form of energy storage because it provides the most energy per unit mass: 1.00 grams of fat provides about 9.40 (food) Calories, compared to 4.20 (food) Calories per 1.00 grams of carbohydrate. Remember that Calories associated with food, which are always capitalized, are not exactly the same as calories used in physics or chemistry, even though they have the same name. More specifically, one food Calorie is equal to 1000 calories of mechanical work or 4186 joules. Therefore, in this problem use the conversion factor 1Cal=4186J.

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