25.08.2019 • 

De c oefficient or linear expansion and coefficient of cubical expansion. derive the relation between them
(2) explicio experiment that determines the coefficient of linear expansion of a metal rod.
1. a body of innih temperature 0,"c is heated to final temperature 0°c derive an expression for the final lengs for the body of line
numerical problems:
a thermometer has wrong calibration it reads the melting point of ice. 12°c it reads 72°c m place of 60.
c an be temp s
of boiling point of water on this scale.
2. at what temperature do celsius and fahrenheit scales coincide? find
3 a clock which has a brass pendulurn beats seconds correctly when the temperature of the room is how many second wait
or lose per day when the temperature of the room talls to 10°c (lincar expansivity of brass 0.190

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