07.03.2020 • 

During the pitching motion, a baseball pitcher exerted an average horizontal force of 60 N against the 0.15 kg baseball while moving it through a horizontal displacement of 2.0 m before he released it.1. How much work did the pitcher do to the baseball as a result of this force?2. Was the work done positive or negative?3. If the baseball's velocity at the start of the pitching action was zero, how fast was the ball moving at the instant of release?4. What would be the time of impact?(Hint: think about impulse-momentum relation from Linear kinetics – the mat exerts an impulseon the pole vaulter, thereby changing his momentum).5. In general, the greater the compression of the mat during impact, the softer the landing (i.e. average force experienced by the jumper will be smaller). However, why might it not be a good idea to have something that compresses too easily?

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