09.12.2021 • 

• Employ the writing process to achieve continuous improvement for the production of workplace appropriate documents. Institutional Outcome:
• Information Literacy and Communication - Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written, and/or oral formats.

Through completing the Business Writing Assignment, you constructed a workplace document and engaged in the writing process by taking your instructor’s feedback and employing it to improve your assignment. It is important to take time to reflect on your own writing process to hone the process and use it to empower you to improve your
Since this is a reflection, you can include your emotions and reactions, and use the first person (“I”) to write your reflection. In a 550-word reflective response, complete the following elements:
• Discuss your experience writing your assignment, reviewing your instructor’s initial feedback, and revising your response.
• Explain some of your writing process and what you thought worked well.
• Also, detail some of what in your process you will look to improve for next time.

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