04.02.2021 • 

Henrietta manages to swing at a softball that was pitched very low - it almost hit the home plate! Starting from very near the ground, the ball is launched upward at an angle with
amazing speed. 30 m/s upwards and 20 m/s across. 100m away from home plate is the outfield fence that's 24m tall. Will
Hentrietta get a home run?
a) How long will the ball take to get to the top?
b) How far from home plate will the ball be, once it's at the top?
c) Did the ball reach the fence yet, when it gets to the top?
d) How high up is the softball when it's at the top?
e) how long in seconds will it take for the ball to get 100m away from home plate?
F) How high above the ground is the ball when it’s 100m away from home plate?
G) finally, when the ball is 100m away from home plate, how high above the ground is it?

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