17.07.2021 • 

Identifying Craters with and without Rays: Using the above website and controls, find each crater below located at the indicated latitude and longitude and at the indicated zoom level. Indicate which craters have rays and which do not by circling "Yes" or "No" as appropriate below. Then identify the proper name of the crater by opening a new tab in your web browser and going to to consult a labeled map of the moon. If a proper name of the crater cannot be found at that website, use another source. Zoom out fully before moving to the next feature. Latitude Longitude Zoom Level Name of Feature Ray System

a). 9.64410 -19.99500 1000.00 m/px Yes No

b). 14.47 -11.32 500.00 m/px Yes No

c). 8.13575 -38.01015 500.00 m/px Yes No

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