13.07.2019 • 

In 1610, galileo used his telescope to discover four prominent moons around jupiter. their mean orbital radii a and periods t are as follows: (a) io has a mean orbital radius of 4.22 x 108 m and a period of 1.77 days. find the mass of jupiter from this information. (b) europa has a mean orbital radius of 6.71 x 108 m and a period of 3.55 days. find the mass of jupiter from this information. (c) ganymede has a mean orbital radius of 10.7 x 108 m and a period of 7.16 days. find the mass of jupiter from this information. (d) callisto has a mean orbital radius of 18.8 x 108 m and a period of 16.7 days. find the mass of jupiter from this information

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