11.02.2020 • 

Magnetic dipole-dipole interaction Consider two current loops, each of radius R carrying a current I. The centers are a distance d apart, with d» R (a) Take the first loop(1) to lie in the ry-plane with center at the origin. The second loop (2) also lies in the ry plane, and is centered at y- d. Both currents are directed in the count-clockwise sense around the z axis. Determine the force of one of the current loops on the other. Are your results consistent with Newton's third law? b) Now consider the situation in which one loop (1) is centered at the origin and lies in the rz plane. The other loop (2) lies in the xy plane, with its center at y = d The direction of the currents are clockwise about the y-axis for the (1) and counter-clockwise about the z-axis for the loop Determine the force of one of the current loops on the other. Are your results consistent with Newton's third law'?

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