01.12.2020 • 

Mk this is for all the people with eating disorders When I turned 10 I had serious depression. It was so bad that I was getting suicidal so my parents put me on medication. This medication made me lose my appetite. So I would never eat more than an apple a day. This went on for a year. Then i turned 11 and I got better. My depression was mild and I met a new guy. But the 11 year old me didn't realize that this guy was mentally and physically abusing me. So in hopes of "being enough for him" I starved myself. He broke up with me 2 months after I turned 12. When I turned 12 I went on an eating rampage. I would eat everything I could find to satisfy my hunger. ( This happens when you starve yourself for 2 years ). Now I'm 13, my name is alima, and I'm never hungry. You know that pain you feel in your tummy when your hungry? I don't feel that pain anymore.

moral of the story, love yourself, you are amazing inside and out. And anyone who makes you feel like you are not beautifulscrew them.

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