10.04.2020 • 

Next, for this exercise you will need a piece of paper,a ruler with millimeters, and a pair of scissors:

1.Cut a piece of paper to be 150mm x 5mm.
2.Guess how many times you would have to cut the paper in half to make a piece 10 nanometers long. Record your guess.
3. Guess how many times you can cut the paper in half before it becomes impossible to cut with the scissors. Record your guess.
4. Begin cutting the strip of paper lengthwise and continue cutting it in half as many times as you can. Keep track of the number of cuts you make.
5. Once you have made as many cuts as possible, measure the dimensions of the paper.
6. Finally, post your answers to the following questions:

a.How many times did you actually cut the paper?
b.Did you accurately predict the number of cuts required?
c.How close was the smallest piece to the nanoscale?
d.Why did you have to stop cutting?
e.Can macroscale objects, like scissors, be used on the nanoscale?
f.Can you think of any way to cut the paper any smaller?

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