04.08.2019 • 

Question 1 (1 point) question 1 unsaved worldwide, the most common type of electricity generation comes from question 1 options: a) solar power plants b) hydro power plants c) wood d) fossil fuels save question 2 (1 point) question 2 unsaved which of these is an agreement aimed at reducing harmful climate impacts? question 2 options: a) united nations b) powell pact c) kyoto protocol d) presidential environment agreement save question 3 (1 point) question 3 unsaved which of the following is a factor that will affect energy usage in the future? question 3 options: a) increasing population b) climate change c) higher living standards worldwide d) all of the above e) none of the above save question 4 (1 point) question 4 unsaved which of the following is not a prediction made about future energy usage? question 4 options: a) we could be using all renewable resources someday b) coal use will increase quite a bit this decade c) we may be able to develop a fusion based energy system. d) electricity usage will decrease in the near future due to shrinking world population

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