25.02.2021 • 

Questions 1. The bowling ball starts out at rest (speed = 0 m/s) at the top of the building (height = 40 m).

a. How much potential energy does the bowling ball have?

b. How much kinetic energy does the bowling ball have?

c. How much total energy (potential + kinetic) does the bowling ball have?

d. Of the bowling ball’s total energy, is more in the form of potential or kinetic energy?

2. When the bowling ball has fallen halfway down the building (height = 20 m), it has a speed of 19.8 m/s.

a. How much potential energy does the bowling ball have?

b. How much kinetic energy does the bowling ball have?

c. How much total energy (potential + kinetic) does the bowling ball have?

d. Of the bowling ball’s total energy, is more in the form of potential or kinetic energy?

3. Just before the bowling ball hits the ground (height = 0 m), it has a speed of 28 m/s.

a. How much potential energy does the bowling ball have?

b. How much kinetic energy does the bowling ball have?

c. How much total energy (potential + kinetic) does the bowling ball have?

d. Of the bowling ball’s total energy, is more in the form of potential or kinetic energy?

4. Compare the total energy of the bowling ball at each of the three points.

a. Do the potential or kinetic energy stay the same as the bowling ball falls?

b. What happens to the potential energy that the bowling ball started with as it falls?

c. Does the total amount of energy that the bowling

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