13.07.2019 • 

Suppose that laser light is incident upon a screen in which there are three small, equally spaced slits. after passing through the slits, the light is then allowed to fall upon a viewing screen. (a) describe in detail the pattern that is produced on the viewing screen. (b) how would this pattern be affected if the spacing between the slits was increased by a factor of two? (c) how would this pattern be affected if the spacing between the slits was kept the same, but the left-most slit was covered up? 2] suppose that we wish to simulate a laser by using an incandescent bulb. first, we use an extremely high intensity bulb so that the light it produces is very bright. next, we pass it through a very good (green) filter so that the light emerging from the filter is very nearly monochromatic. after doing this, we have a very bright, very monochromatic green light source. is the light that we have produced in this way essentially the same as that produced by a green laser? or is there some significant difference? explain your answer

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