07.11.2020 • 

Take care of her.. A confessionby:Nate When she told me im sorry and that she loved you I know I
Couldn't interfere.
You take care of her like i would. Take her walking and love
her like u should and keep her happy
even though i'm full of hurt. im happy if u take care of her
even though i'm alone. I'm happy as long as she is
My life will shine as long as she does
I'm sad that she's not mine but happy she's happy
I will be on the side cheering you guys on and ignore
the pain in my heart my love is an neverending cycle that will forever love her
I will cherish her only as a friend and I will only be a shoulder to cry on.
Take care of her how i would
knowing that she is happy it fills me with great joy.
her life is more important than mine
Take care of her

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