04.02.2020 • 

Time of flight, and range using the snipping tool, copy and paste the table 1 (time of flight word document, to be printed and attached to this report (do not print the document yet): vs. intitial speed) into a microsoft use equation 2a from the theory to calculate the time of flight: t s. to n n latnoshod at bwol elaz3 tholduob ue average tof from table 1: initial velocity 1 0a4. m/s; time 0.442 s; % difference initial velocity 2 307 ,m/s; time 0.442, s; % difference (% difference is determined with respect to the calculated t) predicted horizontal range ax ,m. attached the page with the marks from carbon paper. estimate the average distance from your predicted impact point marked with an "x" and the actual impact sites: , m. calculate the percent error with respect to the predicted ax: % d conclusion (part i) explain your results was the tof different for different initial speed? why or why not? how well did your predicted range compare to the actual range? discuss possible experimental errors. was is reasonable to neglect air resistance?

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