03.12.2019 • 

To understand the applications of archimedes' principle. archimedes' principle is a powerful tool for solving many problems involving equilibrium in fluids. it states the following: when a body is partially or completely submerged in a fluid (either a liquid or a gas), the fluid exerts an upward force on the body equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body. as a result of the upward archimedes force (often called the buoyant force), some objects may float in a fluid, and all of them appear to weigh less. this is the familiar phenomenon of buoyancy. quantitatively, the buoyant force can be found as fbuoyant=rhofluidgv, where fbuoyant is the force, rhofluid is the density of the fluid, g is the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity, and v is the volume of the displaced fluid. in this problem, you will be asked several qualitative questions that should you develop a feel for archimedes' principle.

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