25.01.2020 • 

Two infinite nonconducting sheets of charge are parallel to each other, with sheet a in the x = -2.15 plane and sheet b in the x = +2.15 m plane. find the electric field in the region x < -2.15 m, in the region x > +2.15 m, and between the sheets for the following situations.

(a) when each sheet has a uniform surface charge density equal to +3.25 µc/m2 region (m) electric field (n/c)
x < -2.15

x > +2.15

-2.15 < x < +2.15

(b) when sheet a has a uniform surface charge density equal to +3.25 µc/m2 and sheet b has a uniform surface charge density equal to -3.25 µc/m2

region (m) electric field (n/c)
x < -2.15

x > +2.15

-2.15 < x < +2.15

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