27.09.2021 • 

Use of English 9 Choose the correct answers. 3 The Inuit people! in northern Canada, Alaska, Greenland, and in the north of Russia. Here the temperature is very? - it can go down to -50°C. The Inuit usually modern clothes, like jeans, T-shirts and jumpers. But because it's the first day of spring. Many of the Inuit people 5 traditional clothes, such as coats made of animal skins. They've got animal-skin 6 on their feet, too. Some of the women have got beautiful belts of many colours. What ? in cold weather in today is 4 7 your country? c lives c small C wear c special 1 a live 2 a high 3 a wears 4 a artificial 5 a are wearing 5 a boots a dark a are you wearing b is living blow b are wearing b ordinary b wear b leggings b patterned b do you wear C Wears c trousers c plain C you wear

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