04.07.2020 • 

Verify your velocity by looking it up on your Hubble diagram. You now have two important pieces ofinformation:1. How far away the galaxy is.2. How fast it is moving away from us.You can visualize the process if you think about a trip in your car. If you tell a friend that you are 120 milesaway from your starting point and that you traveled 60 miles per hour, your friend would know youhadbeen traveling TWO hours. That is your trip started two hours ago. You know this from the relationship:Distance = velocity * time which we canwrite as (E) D = v * t orThus, 2 hrs = 120 mi 60 mi / hrNow let’s determine when the universe "started its trip". The distance is 800 Mpc, but first convert Mpcinto km because the velocity is in km/sec.Use equation (E) to determine how many seconds ago the universe started.

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