19.07.2019 • 

We will examine the physics of collisions from the point of view of the traffic cop situation you are called to the site of a collision between a small car and a half ton truck on a lonely country road. you are given the following information a) on clean dry pavement at a temperature of 20 c, the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.600 on locked wheels. b) the truck has left a skid mark that is 25.7 m long c) the car has left a skid mark that is 20.3 m long d) the estimated mass of the truck and contents was 1250 kg e) the estimated mass of the car and contents was 750 kg f the truck's skid mark is due north g) the car's skid mark is due east h) the debris travelled 10.6 m 18.4 degrees e of n i) the collisions appear to have been completely inelastic j) the speed limit was 90 km/hr k) miraculously no one was seriously hurt from this data can you work out the speed of the two vehicles prior to breaking (i.e. before the skid marks)?

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