04.03.2021 • 

When you are driving on the freeway and following the car in front of you, how close is too close? Let's do an estimation. 1. Pick a car model (preferably the one you drive, but can also be any car of your dream), and find its stopping distance at highway speeds (you can usually find this type of data online).
2. Assuming that the car in front of you suddenly does a hard brake. For simplicity, assume that its braking performance is about the same as yours. Then also assume a reasonable amount of reaction time on your part (the time delay between seeing the brake lights lit up and applying your own brake). In order for you not to run into the car your are following, what's the closest distance you need to keep between the two cars?
3. Redo the same calculation if the vehicle in front of you is a typical big-rig truck. Find its braking data online.
4. There is a rule of thumb which says that you must stay one car length behind the car in front of you for every 10 mi/h of driving speed. From your calculation, does this rule make sense?

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