25.08.2021 • 

Will a body moving in a circular track have zero acceleration? Vividly explain your making reference to both radial and perpendicular acceleration? EV (7)
b) In your own words describe first moment of area for any shape and its importance. With reference to the shape below about the axis s – s, describe the position of the centroid.
CR (8)
c) In quantum mechanics, the fundamental constant called Planck’s constant, h, has dimensions of ML2T−1 . Construct a quantity with the dimensions of length from h, a mass m, and c, the speed of light.

Will a body moving in a circular track have zero acceleration? Vividly explain your making referenc
Will a body moving in a circular track have zero acceleration? Vividly explain your making referenc
Will a body moving in a circular track have zero acceleration? Vividly explain your making referenc
Will a body moving in a circular track have zero acceleration? Vividly explain your making referenc
Will a body moving in a circular track have zero acceleration? Vividly explain your making referenc

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